Snap extension

The snap extension ensures that the Sidescroller’s child elements are always aligned flush with the Overthrow container.

overthrow.sidescroller( document.querySelectorAll( ".overthrow-enabled .sidescroll-nextprev" ), { snapScroll: true });

Disable nav extension

Will add a disabled class to nav items upon reaching the start/end of a Sidescroller region.

overthrow.sidescroller( document.querySelectorAll( ".overthrow-enabled .disable-nav" ), { disabledNav: true });

Skiplinks extension

The skiplink extension adds controls that allow the user to skip to the start/end of Sidescroller.

overthrow.sidescroller( document.querySelectorAll( ".overthrow-enabled .skiplinks" ), { skipLinks: true });

Rewind extension

The rewind extension will allow the Sidescroller to animate back to the first child element upon navigating beyond the last element.

overthrow.sidescroller( document.querySelectorAll( ".overthrow-enabled .rewind" ), { rewind: true });

Goto extension

The goto extension provides a method for programmatically scrolling to individual child elements.

overthrow.sidescroller( document.querySelectorAll( ".overthrow-enabled .goto-nav" ), { snapScroll: true });
document.querySelector( "a.goto" ).onclick = function( e ){
	overthrow.sidescroller( document.querySelectorAll( ".overthrow-enabled .goto-nav" ), "goTo", 3 );
Skip to the third slide

Append extension

The `append` extension provides a method for gracefully handling the addition and removal of child elements.

Add another element Remove the first element