This is a demo for a lightweight auto-complete that can be populated via JSON or by DOM element text. Visit the Github project page for documentation.
An input with auto-complete. NOTE: The data being served is a static mockup from $PROJECT_DIR/demo.json
<input data-autocomplete="./demo.json" aria-controls="list" aria-haspopup="true"> <div class="suggest menu" data-menu> <ol> </ol> </div>
An input with auto-complete where the data is pulled from the children of an associated DOM element. Here the DOM element is a select menu.
<label class="autocomplete"> <input data-autocomplete-dom="#categories" data-best-match aria-controls="list" aria-haspopup="true" > <div class="suggest menu" data-menu> <ol> </ol> </div> </label> <select id="categories"> <option value="Foo">Foo</option> <option value="Bar">Bar</option> <option value="Baz">Baz</option> <option value="Bak">Bak</option> </select>
The response from the server should be an array of strings matching the value of the input.